
Muslims shall rise. Or not !

At a late hour yesterday I started reading messages either on facebook or on twitter that talk about a possible attack the Israeli people were having on Gaza and the fact that they were willing to invade the Aqsa Mosque early in the morning. Now whether those allegations were true or not I had no idea, but what was interesting was the reaction of the people, Muslims, after hearing such trash talk.

Why was it interesting? I’m not going to judge and accuse people of hypocrisy, but the way people reacted was like so overrated. Just scrolling down my timelines all I could read were words of bravery, threats, strong fate… from people I personally know as nonchalant when it comes to a simple prayer. I could sense that the rumour has triggered some kind of Muslim ego that was buried under a mountain of shallow, unimportant matters. Which is good and positive, however like during the bombings of Gaza in 2009, transitory.
I started wondering after that if there was any truth to what I was hearing, and in fact some of the Likoud people (which is the number one political party in Israel) have actually invited Israeli citizens to move to the Aqsa mosque under the protection of the army to invade it by the morning. The reason behind that remains a mystery but I have two theories.

Here the Asqa TV talks about the matter, which got me thinking that there might be some truth to it

First one doesn’t obey to any political rationality, it is more of a game theory. Israel has been fighting for over 60 years with nobody but her own self. The poor kids with rocks of Jerusalem or Gaza haven’t been able to harm that raging army more than a needle hurts your hand. That is why the “ State” of Israel has turned to the Lebanese people for action , bombed Gaza until there was no one in it to seek some reaction , and ultimately has now threatened the most symbolic mosque to the Muslim population.
Second theory is more like an urban legend. As we all know the star on the Israeli flag is referred to as the “star of David” in reference to prophet/king David. And from the descendants of David we all quite know the great king Solomon. Now in all three religions (Judaism, Islam and Christianity) king Solomon had different powers. The power to talk to genies and order them, the power to talk to animals and hear them, and the power to control the wind. In Islam all these are miracles Allah gave to Solomon and Solomon only. In other religions these powers are believed to be related to the “Seal of Solomon” in Arabic we refer to it as:
خاتم سليمان. And jews are actually looking for the body of Solomon to find this alleged ring or seal. That is also believed to give them extreme power more than they already have. [Yeah right]

A third theory can be advanced also but this is more of a personal opinion, and its simple political stupidity. Something not really new to the Israeli government.
Anyway, talks and theories and an ignorant endless waiting. Trash talk, bravery, rage all aspects of the reaction Israel perhaps wanted… but it’s all behind desks and computers. We’re living the “Arab hibernation”, leaders are dealing with their own countries and problems, and Palestine is left alone as always. When you think of it how many of us really can leave their lives behind if this invasion of the mosque really happens? How many can be BRAVE? From over 1 billion Muslims it won’t be more than a dozen of persons. And from those many will head to protect the wrong mosque. We’ve been pushed to believe that this

was the Aqsa mosque. But it is not! This is:

There is quite a difference . . .

A stupid move such as this one will more probably create chaos in the world, start a third world war if it hasn’t already started. The odds though are not in our favour.

Times like these have been predicted centuries before. Bravery died with gladiators and soldiers. All is left is a bunch of cowards and I’m not putting myself out of their category as I am a part of this time. Meanwhile Palestine has a God to protect her until the Ummah awakes.
And a message to all youngsters, true soldiers, young soldiers like Ali Ibno Abi Taleb or Khalid Ibno El walid are in battlefields not behind the screens of Counter Strike and Call of Duty.

The end of times doesn’t seem too far anymore, at least not to me. We shall wait and see what happens in the upcoming days… until then so long.

عن ثوبان -رضي الله تعالى عنه- قال: قال رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم: يوشك الأمم أن تداعى عليكم كما تداعى الأكلة إلى قصعتها، فقال قائل: ومن قلة نحن يومئذ، قال: بل أنتم يومئذ كثير ولكنكم غثاء كغثاء السيل، ولينزعن الله من صدور عدوكم المهابة منكم، وليقذفن الله في قلوبكم الوهن، فقال قائل: يا رسول الله وما الوهن، قال: حب الدنيا وكراهية الموت أخرجه أبو داود
