
The woman in you says Hi.

Dear man, Close your eyes for a second. Now let’s you and I venture deep into our imagination and try for a second to picture a world without our women. Scary thought isn’t it? I am actually dreading to ask about the image you saw. A huge deal of us would actually picture a morning without breakfast, an evening without sex, or perhaps a clump of wrinkled clothing. If you have done so, congratulations you are a cave man.

You wanna know what I see? I see nothing. I don’t see you I don’t see myself. We wouldn’t be here if it weren’t for a woman. We always talk about the evolution of men and women separately, and how women evolved lately but I never really grasp that point. Why did the woman have to start so late anyway? Sure Adam was created before Eve, but let’s face it he wasn’t going anywhere… At least not until she came.

So someone, whoever this person was chose the 8th of March as a day to celebrate the women all over the globe, I thought it would be nice to use that day to talk about women. Now I don’t know how we came to believe that a woman was simply a sex machine, a baby maker, a house keeper and nothing more. Back in the days a camel was considered wealth while she was treated as a slave or an object. But above that who gave us, men, the status or the power to be judge of that? I’m guessing you’ve sensed it by now, I was raised feminist by this wonderful woman I like to call mother. Seeing her everyday since I was a little kid taking care of a house of mischievous children, stubborn husband with the same passion, smile and dedication fills me with awe. She thought me what it is to respect a lady, she showed without being aware of it how a woman is ten times stronger that a man is in situations that require calm, faith or patience. Doing what I do, I personally think that just for the act of birth we should be their slaves forever. No man would be able to tolerate what they go through voluntarily.And trust me it is no exaggeration

I owe so much to women because I was fostered by two. In the figure of my mother and my sister. The latter did teach me a bunch of stuff as well. She thought me how to shave since my dad wasn’t really the kind of guy to have these kinds of talks. She thought me how to swear, how to talk to girls. Of course I got better at those by myself later on but the basis was all them. I remember when I was 13 or 14 years of age and my sister was a teenager, three years older than me at the time, and she would come home sometimes sad, because of a breakup or if she wasn’t allowed to go out to meet her friends, and I hated seeing her that way, so I always tried to cheer her up by any mean I could. But what I do really remember is that I promised myself I wasn’t going to grow to be this man who breaks up hearts or treats women badly. They are very brittle but really good at hiding it.

I remember a funny sentence I read a few days back that said “In Morocco, we have a day for women but a whole week for horses”. That is true to some extent however this day as I see it is an opportunity to speak about our women not really celebrate. You really want to celebrate a woman? You want to thank your mother for the years of hard labour she put on you? Your wife for the support she’s giving you? If you are really serious about this you probably are aware that one day isn’t enough at all. Our ladies are shrewd creatures, very savvy. You can’t fool them with one day.

You want to give back the love? Cook lunch a couple of days a week. Let her sleep the weekend and give her a breakfast in bed. Help her do the dishes to preserve those hands that look after you. Be supportive when she needs you to be and not judgemental. Do listen actually when talks cause she only does when she really needs to. I know women tend to talk a lot but when they really want you to listen they let you know. Otherwise they don’t require your permission nor your attention and they don’t always care if you listen or not. It is small gestures that can modify a lot in your life. You truly love a woman she’ll love you back twice as hard. And it won’t make you girly and even you feel like it does you can’t really deny that we all have a women within. As gay as this may sound but scientifically there is no XY without an X.

Dear man, dear I… the last wish of our prophet (PUBH) was to take care of our women. If you don’t honour it for all the reasons I’ve said above, just do it for that.
Ladies, if anything this day should be the day when we apologize for our mistakes towards you. So I’m sorry if I once hurt you , I’m sorry if I once judged you , I’m sorry if I ignored you when you needed to be heard , I’m sorry for the crap I will probably do in the future I’m sorry for being a typical guy.

Happy woman’s Day !


2 thoughts on “The woman in you says Hi.

  1. El Idrissi Salma says:

    Reading your article made me feel happy to be a woman even if it was written almost two years ago, thank you for these words.

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